There’s been a lot of talk about sex addiction lately. With many celebrities publicly seeking sex addiction help, and more and more professionals in the field coming out and talking about it, people are beginning to see that addiction is a real thing, and it’s a real problem. And it’s not only a problem for the people around them. Often, the person that finds the biggest problem with the sexual addiction is the addict him or herself. Still, very few addicts get help with their addiction. This is a very sad fact because addiction is very real, and there is sex addiction help available.An addiction is when a person becomes so involved and preoccupied with sex that it takes up most of their waking hours, either because they are thinking about it or engaging in it. Sex fill their addiction through a number of different ways. Some with only a mild addiction might watch pornography or excessively masturbate. Others with a more severe sexual addiction might have affairs outside of their marriage, seek out sexual partners for one-night stands, exhibit signs of exhibitionism or voyeurism, spend significant time and money visiting massage parlors and/or prostitutes.However whatever form of activity addicts seek they rarely, if ever, feel satisfied or fulfilled through the activity. Instead, they feel shame and guilt, and they are not likely to form any kind of emotional bond with anyone they have sex with. This is because addicts usually take part on their activity in order to release their anxiety, exhibit power over themselves, or because there are uncontrollable sexual urges in their brains. But it’s because of the shame and guilt that addicts rarely find help with their addiction, and one of the reasons why this type of addiction is still considered to be relatively “new” even though it’s been around for generations.Unfortunately, addiction help can also be somewhat tricky. Other addictions are treated by both giving the patient psychological help, along with completely eliminating the source of their addiction from their lives. In the cases of gambling, drug addition, and alcoholism, this is a simple enough concept, but people struggle to get their heads around the same simple concept when it comes to addiction. Yes, it is tougher. And yes, if you’re married, there are certainly other factors to take into consideration. But sex addicts can limit and eliminate, and I can help you do it!If you are suffering from addiction, contact me. I’ll show you the number of treatments for addiction help that include controlling the behavior and learning how to have a healthy sexual appetite, without placing pressure or pain on others or yourself. Education is a big part of sex addiction help, as is often family or couple’s therapy. Don’t live with the shame anymore! There is addiction help, and you’ve just found it! Call my office today and get on the path to a better, healthier, and actually fulfilling sex life tomorrow.
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Effective Alcohol And Drug Addiction Treatment |
Through scientific research, much more is now known about how exactly drugs work in the brain, and we also know that drug addiction treatments can be successful in offering help for addiction. With a better understanding of addiction and drug abuse, it is hoped that better addiction treatment programs can be designed. Drug addiction has been identified as a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by repeated drug abuse can affect a person’s self control and ability to make sound decisions,and at the same time, send intense impulses to take drugs.The financial costs of addiction to drugs are astounding. The total overall costs of substance abuse in the United States is estimated to exceed half a trillion dollars annually. This includes health- and crime-related costs as well as losses in productivity This includes approximately $181 billion for illegal drugs,$168 billion for tobacco, and $185 billion for alcohol.The misery shared by millions of addicts, their families, and friends are difficult to quantify.The changes that occur in the brain with drug abuse, make it very difficult for the addict to stop abusing drugs. Fortunately, there are effective addiction treatments that the unsettling addictive effects to lead normal productive lives. Research shows that combining addiction treatment medications, if available, with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Addiction treatment approaches that are tailored to each patient’s drug abuse patterns and any co-occurring medical, psychiatric, and social problems can lead to sustained recovery and a life without drug abuse.To be effective, addiction treatment must address the individual’s drug abuse and any associated medical, psychological, social, vocational, and legal problems. It is also important that treatment be appropriate to the individual’s age, gender, ethnicity, and culture.There are some unconventional treatments that have been tried with some degree of success.Acupuncture has found its way into being an effective component in drug addiction treatment. Acupuncture has been found to be effective in reducing some of the withdrawal symptoms and several addiction centers have introduced it as an integral part of court-mandated drug addiction treatment programs. Although interest continues to grow cultural, political and technical reasons, in addition to lack of research may be hindering more widespread adoption of acupuncture as an effective treatment for addiction. Acupuncture based addiction treatment are a health-care bargain, being cost effective because it can be done on an inexpensive outpatient basis with relatively limited expenses at the institutional levels.Biofeedback Brainwave Biofeedback has shown dramatic successes in several studies to prevent relapses from drug and alcohol addiction. Biofeedback is a medical therapy in which patients can treat themselves by learning to control their own brain waves. Electroencephalogram or eeg biofeedback treatments are now being practiced at prestigious mainstream medicinal clinics such as the Mayo Clinic and are also being paid for by insurance companies. The premise is that many conditions can be helped by altering brainwave patterns. Essentially, biofeedback is a way to train the body to alter biological functions using correcting signals or by retraining the brain to produce healthy brainwave patterns on its own. EEG Biofeedback has shown some encouraging results in treating not only drug and alcohol addiction, but also people with eating disorders, even smokers and other compulsive behaviors. It has been observed as an efficient way to integrate, body, mind, emotions and spirit and more research continues.
How Long Does Addiction Recovery Take? |
Just as there are many types of addicts, there are many types of addiction recovery programs. While most addiction treatment specialists agree on the basic causes, symptoms, and general treatment methods for addiction, there are numerous specific approaches sanctioned by the recovery community. As for how long a treatment program should take, that depends on several factors, and it varies from person to person. Here are a few of the things that determine how long your treatment will take.What type of addiction?
Different drugs have different effects on the body and mind, and this affects how long addiction recovery takes. Alcohol and opiate addiction recovery can be particularly time consuming since these substances have strong psychological holds and lead to severe physical withdrawal for anyone who tries to quit. Other addictions may require less time-consuming treatments, but all require substantial commitments of time in order to quit.How much do you take?
An alcoholic who habitually drinks from morning until late at night is obviously going to have more difficulty quitting than someone who drinks in the evening every couple of days. The same applies to other substances. As a rule of thumb, the more of the substance you need to get drunk or high, the longer the addiction recovery process is going to take.How long has the addiction lasted?
Addictions that have lasted years or even decades are particularly difficult to overcome. Even when the dosage is relatively low, a long-term habit creates a deeply engrained dependence. For example, someone who has been drinking habitually for 20 or 30 years is going to need not only strength but also substantial medical and emotional assistance in order to get through the difficult early stages of recovery.In contrast, if your addiction has only been going on for a few months, recovery may still be difficult, but at least you have a clear memory of what life was like before the addiction started. People who have been addicted for decades often don’t know how to go about their daily lives without the addictive substance.What other services do you need?
Addiction commonly co-occurs with other disorders. Many addicts have depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, or schizophrenia, among other things. In fact, many addicts begin abusing drugs or alcohol as a method of self-medication, so removing the substance without treating the underlying cause is obviously not a sustainable solution.